حمید رضا طرقی هستم ، مهندس برق و مدرس نرم افزار ها ، عاشق یادگیری و یاد دادن هستم .

In the name of the world’s first engineer

Hello to all my dear friends, I am Hamid Reza Torghi. Electrical engineer and lover and software teacher! I was born in March. Lover of learning and teaching, it gives me a good feeling when I see that I am teaching something to someone and later I see that person is benefiting from this way. After graduating from Birjand State University of Technology and Engineering, I worked in my field for some time. In one of these cases, I saw how much space is left for a good training for my field and hard industrial machines! That means it is difficult to understand all these electrical devices! From there, I followed the tutorial in 3D and created examples. First I worked with after effects software and then with cinema 4d 3D software, it was that my work continued and became and became … until I became a professional in my own software! It was here that it occurred to me to start teaching others and I started with cinema 4d software and thank God I was able to achieve some success but I wanted it to be purposeful.  ….